Sepp: Family tree
1. Overview
Our Sepp family line can be traced back to Bernard Sepp of Germany. No details of his life could be found thus far. What is known, however, is that his son Gustav Sepp migrated to England in the mid 19th century and settled there, belonging to the workers class. He and members of his family, including his son Charles Frederick Sepp (my husband’s great-grandfather), later migrated to South Africa to the Witwatersrand when the ‘gold rush’ was at its height. Charles worked as a gold miner in the deep-level mines. Their descendants gave rise to a distinct branch of South African Sepps.
2. Our Sepp branch
A simplified view of the branch of Sepps that is relevant to out family’s history is shown below. To read more about the life of each individual in the family line and their families, in their particular political, social, religious and culture-historic context of the day, please navigate to Sepp: Individuals, and select the name of the relevant person.
3. Our Sepp family tree
The more comprehensive family tree – with a name index at the end – includes extended family members such as siblings and their spouses, the in-laws, cousins, etc.
SEPP -View tree & name index here